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Kick-off Meeting of Culturally Diverse Humanly United Project Held

The kick-off meeting of the Culturally Diverse Humanly United Project was held online on November 16, 2020, as part of the Covid-19 outbreak measures. Representatives of the project partners Danish Intercultural Organization (Denmark), Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey), TDM 2000 (Italy), Corbiz, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece) and Central European Trainers Platform (Poland) attended the meeting.

The meeting started by giving information about what cultural diversity is. Afterwards, the management process of the project, its progress and project outputs were explained. At the meeting, ideas were exchanged with the partners on the visual identity and visibility activities of the project. Finally, after the logo and website of the project were decided, the meeting ended by the agreement on the preparation of a roadmap for the project works.


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